Often people here and people at home make the same assumption - that we share the same holidays. Well, on Sunday, it was almost the case. Here in Niger, May 13 is our national Women's Day. This year, this special day fell on the North American Mother's Day. When Women's Day falls on a work day, there is generally a good meal and a bunch of games. This year we missed out on the festivities (though I heard afterwards that there had been a parade in the city), but it was extra special to think of all of the women around as well as all those at home, celebrating together.
Based on what the "uniform" fabric said, the theme of this year's Women's Day was education of girls and supporting independence of women living in rural locations. This fits beautifully with the goals of the Reintegration Program here at DFC. While healing from fistula surgery, the women learn basic literacy skills and handiwork skills like embroidering baby wrappers and knitting baby hats to help them support their families financially on their return home. Thank you for supporting this training!
Based on what the "uniform" fabric said, the theme of this year's Women's Day was education of girls and supporting independence of women living in rural locations. This fits beautifully with the goals of the Reintegration Program here at DFC. While healing from fistula surgery, the women learn basic literacy skills and handiwork skills like embroidering baby wrappers and knitting baby hats to help them support their families financially on their return home. Thank you for supporting this training!